Intentional Living:
Discussion + Potluck
Sat, Dec 8th - 11:15 to 3
Come join us to discuss what it means to live an intentional life in the modern world.
Learn from a senior monk about the Buddhist perspective on intentional living
Enjoy a delicious potluck in community, and bring yourself merit by feeding monks
Participate in a guided discussion about Intentional living after lunch, with breakout groups and group sharing
Past & Future Events
The modern world is often a place where it’s hard to connect - let’s change that together. We find life more interesting when we gather with others good people to enjoy and support each other.
Upcoming: Why having fun is Natural & Needed
Film Night + Discussion - Mid January 2024
A lot of people think that being spiritual is at odds with having fun; this isn’t actually true in the big picture. Come join us as we take a closer look at how spiritual development and having fun can go great together.
We are seeking a space to hold this event. Please contact us if you can be of help!
Upcoming: Project Dhiya Bookclub
Gather to Discuss this Month’s Book Selection - Inaugural date TBD
We are seeking a spaces to hold our monthly bookclubs. Please contact us if you can be of help!
Past: A Visit to the Cow Sanctuary
Feed & Massage Cows - Oct 13th 2024
We had a great time at Goshala (Vedic Cow Sanctuary) in Milpitas! Attendees got to feed and massage cows and enjoyed their sweet and calm energy. We took a closer look at the deeper spiritual significance of cows in Hindu and Vedic culture. People enjoyed each other’s company at an informal lunch afterwards.
Upcoming: Stargazing + Intro to Vedic Astrology
Learn to Read the Night Sky - ~Summer 2025
This is an event we have planned for when the weather gets warmer. We’ll teach some of the basics for recognizing stars and planets and Gabriel will teach a basic introduction to Vedic Astrology.
Project Dhiya is an organization that organizes events in the San Francisco Bay Area of California.
Our events are spiritual in nature, but probably not what most people would think of when they hear the words “spiritual event”. To us, spirituality is an embodied practice that deeply connects us to the fabric of life.